Sunday, June 22, 2008

Napa Grand Prix...Victory!

It wasn't just the weather that was hot in Napa yesterday!
Mary Ellen 1st
Karla 2nd
Kim F 7th
...and just about every prime!

Karla, Kim F, and Mary Ellen were on fire for the Napa Grand Prix. All of them launched attacks to keep the field chasing resulting in Karla off the front in a solo effort for half the race.

Karla's race was the most adventurous as it included...attacking the field, getting off the front and clipping a pedal in the next turn, crashing, taking a free lap, attacking again, getting off the front again with ME, sending ME back to block, riding breakmates off her wheel, riding solo taking primes, getting reabsorbed by the field, jumping the curb in the final turn to avoid a crash, then launching her sprint to lead ME out and finish 2nd....that's hot. And inspirational.

Here's a video of the final sprint courtesy of Mr. Fong (Kim's dad)...Thank You! Karla comes through the corner first, and the red and white blur behind her is ME (she's too fast to catch on film)...beautiful sprint ME!

Our best wishes go out to those who went down in the final turn, we hope everyone heals quickly. Also, thanks to ZTeam and Cycle Circus for promoting this great new race.


StevenCX said...

Karla rocks!

Jennifer Van Muckey said...

Yeah she does! We are so proud to have her as a teammate.

ajax said...

Well done Karla. Next time get the play book down pat. Great team race. You are all Sugar sweet winners.Way to go Kim!

Garrett Lau said...

Congratulations. BTW, Karla is hot even if she's just standing still. That's why I chose that title for this photo:

Garrett Lau said...

Looks like blogger got confused by the HTML. Here's the URL without the HTML:

karla said...

haha, thanks guys - that was definitely a race to remember. I can't wait till the next one!